Friday, September 23, 2011

Diana Nyad

Diana Nyad (born August 22, 1949 in New York City) is an American author, journalist and long-distance swimmer said of his world championship endurance.
For two days, in 1979, swam Nyad Bimini Florida, setting a new distance record for non-stop swim without a wetsuit that is still standing. She broke numerous world records including the mark of 45 years walking around the island of Manhattan (7 h, 57 min) in 1975. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame National Women of 1986. Nyad was honored with his induction into the Hall of Fame International Swimming in 2003.

He currently offers a weekly five-minute piece called KCRW radio sports score (heard during the program KCRW NPR's "all in all"), and the radio program Marketplace. He has previously hosted a public program radio show "Savvy travelers."
Nyad graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Lake Forest College in 1973.

Nyad told the reporter that today - in contrast to his youth - his leadership is no longer walk to try to work through the anger occur from sexual abuse he suffered as a teenager.
On July 8, 2011, the U.S. CompeteNetwork gay sports site report on its plans for the year 2011 in Cuba to Florida to swim, wrote that "(the) extraordinary Nyad Diana is a living legend in the world of swimming, and a model of the GLBT community, is openly lesbian. "

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