Friday, November 4, 2011

Id be doing 150 consecutive life sentances


A judiciary official told Fars that Nosrati and Rezaei could also face public lashings, to be carried out on the soccer pitch where the behavior occurred.
According to the norms of ultra-conservative Iran, the players’ “action can be considered a violation of public chastity,” Judge Valiollah Hosseini told the news agency. “The punishment of this crime is prison up to two months and 74 lashes.”
“It is even worse to do these actions before the eyes of thousands of spectators and TV cameras,” Hosseini added

Or more likely they would just kill me by hanging me upside down and throwing lit black cats at me until it killed me over a three week period.  Countries are just like people.  Like the crazy countries can be so fucking crazy in the same way one guy can be a complete wackjob.  You would think millions of people all being a society would lead to all countries being closer to the mean, but no.

I for one couldn't live somewhere straight guys can't do gay shit for laughs, dares, or otherwise

-Les Anderson

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