Tuesday, November 29, 2011

(Words..) KEEP YOUR RELATIONSHIP and your bitter feelings off the Internet..

I won't get on here and wax on and on about how you should 'handle' your actual relationship's day to day but today's (well last night's) events involving one of the Black Al-Qaeda (That's Black Twitter's nickname that I have given it..) where his relationship was put all over the Net should serve as a lesson or two about what NOT TO DO AFTER YOU HAVE BROKEN UP.*

Well, several lessons actually:

Shit is real B. Lets just start there. It isn't 'just Twitter' anymore now is it? @ this bullshit.

Being an habitual line stepper has its ups and downs. Sometimes you are the stepper..other times folks step over a line of yours..


A nigga like me enjoys seeing assholes getting..well...asshole treatment..

You reap what you sow. You are just gonna have to take my word for it (or go look homie up) but he was (Who am I kidding, he'll be back at it again..) MORE THAN DOWN TO SLANDER FOLKS mercilessly. Just thumb through his recent images. It was all I saw. Slander...slander...more slander. I mean, it is HIS OPINION and he can have it but it is a kinda 'Live by the gun...die by the gun....' thing. Sorry. That's just how I see it. Example below..(Warning: I'd be easy 'blowing the picture up'..Graphic images in that image feed..)

Just read the type of shit that's being said out here...

I 'altered' the picture but LEFT enough clues up in it ON PURPOSE btw. I know some of you niggas are 'friends' with ole boy. This shit isn't a secret. @ the post. I'm actually just not like ya'll. I'm not here to 'embarrass' him but rather to WARN OTHERS OF HIS MISTAKE. Trust and believe if I wanted to 'BLAST YOUR BOY' like everyone else, I would be. Full name and all. I would also be a sucker though. I'll leave that to some of ya'll. Ya'll got me beat on that sucker ass shit. Just like that sucker shit up top that I just posted in the picture that he seemingly engaged in on the reg...

Now I didn't go back far enough into the story to see who actually bought this 'relationship'** to the Internet (or rather the break up) between the two of them but I did see several points where the releasing of a video could have been AVOIDED. I saw some screenshots of folks convos that QUITE FRANKLY I NOR ANYONE ELSE should have EVER seen, I saw the threat of 'nudes' and the usual 'I'mma slander you' threats/actions though. So naw, I don't feel sorry for him. Nope. I don't. Again, I heard he might have committed suicide but all signs are pointing that he didn't but guess what....

.....even if he did, I'd still type this up. Why? GO BACK UP THERE AND LOOK AT THAT PICTURE. Did you see what the nigga wrote? WHAT IF THAT GIRL HAD COMMITTED SUICIDE BEHIND THAT? I didn't see any of you getting at him for saying it. You'd be out here right now saying she 'didn't have to go and do all of that.."/she shouldn't be worried about what the 'World' thinks of her. Lie to me and say you wouldn't. Aight then. So in the event that the young man did take his life, I'm probably not the person to look to if you want me to say much more than...'Damm..." I mean what if his EX GIRLFRIEND, whose info he spewed all over the Net, committed suicide after REPEATED ATTEMPTS TO CALL 'NO JOY' ON THE SITUATION? The reaction would be?

Again, it isn't as if she is 'totally blameless' in this either. She has some blame. Taking the high road has never hurt anybody. Engaging him probably wasn't the best thing since he is a known 'asshole' (She should know that better than any of us if she dated him..)  But it appears to me she reached her 'point'. I can't get too mad at her for that and if he was her bf, he should have KNOWN AND RESPECTED her 'point'. I suspect some ego, pride and rep got in the way of that... I will say I think the kids comment is outta line though. @ her speaking on his kids. If I heard that right that is...

The thing is this. What those of us who had this permeate our timelines saw happens EVERY DAY on a much smaller scale amongst 'mutual friends' of the couple breaking up. The gossiping. The venting. The revelation of 'secrets'/the slander. Folks airing their dirty laundry and then getting mad/hurt/whatever enough to let some REAL BOMBSHELL SHIT OUT. Then the gloves come off and EVERYONE'S SPOT is blown up. You start talking to your 'friends' 'cause...well...you are hurt..and then the other person defends themselves with some 'info' and boom. EVERYONE HAS CONFIRMATION OF whatever it was they mighta thought (or hoped for as mofos are sad out here and love drama..) went on in your relationship. Not good. Not very mature.

So today's lesson is this kiddies..

KEEP YOUR RELATIONSHIPS (AND THEIR SUBSEQUENT BREAKUPS) off the Net (Hell, just even off the Net..) . For your own good. Trust me. Even in winning, if you ever make it to her TL, you will see remorse and regret***. I would even say keep the 'good shit' to a minimum as even that can prompt folks to 'tempt' you into slandering your ex as well..they are NOW YOUR EX 'FOR SOME REASON'. Just keep quiet. It works out better that way. Trust me. Very hard lesson to 'get' and even harder to have to learn the way the two folks did today.

 The other lesson might be to watch these false prophets but eh..... I think I have said more than enough already. Ya'll might not be ready to hear that shit just yet..

Sidenote: I wonder if his pride will let him 'peace out' of the situation? I mean at this point, leaking her nudes, while it may satisfy all of his male followers who wanted to see her naked anyway, would be pretty pointless right now. I mean what would it prove? That she is 'attractive' enough for him to fuck? That she has a vagina and some titties? I mean...duh.. You went out with her. I also hope that she takes her hand off the red button. It's over. I use these words lightly as neither one of their actions affects ME but at the same time I know how much 'followers' on Twitter REALLY ARE FOLLOWERS. They will take this shit to be 'the normal CORRECT' way to handle such situations 'till someone dies behind it. Then we'll back on that pseudo 'Gone to soon' bullshit ya'll like to throw out...

*I can't be up here on the blog taking folks to task for 'slandering folks' and then turn around and put ole boy's info up here. It is around. I think it is on its way to the NEWS as there is talk of 'suicide'. (Which I don't know if that happened...)

** I don't know WHO WAS RIGHT OR WRONG IN THE RELATIONSHIP. I wouldn't make that logic leap. I am talking about this part of it strictly. Three sides. Hers. His. Th truth. 

*** although again..she was backed into a corner. I won't lie. I would have done EXACTLY what she did at that point. You won't keep talking about me any old type of way and not get a MAJOR response at some point. Nope. Sorry. Doesn't make it 'right' but I understand..)

Oh btw, if EITHER ONE OF YA'LL happen to read this know this. 

This took me all of 15 mins. "Care' isn't something that I would use to describe me writing this. Interested? Yeah. Care? Eh...  So that said, if you 'don't care' what I think, GOOD. It is okay. You don't have to. Just remember TWO THINGS. 

...YOU CLICKED ON HERE TO SEE WHAT I SAID THOUGH JUST LIKE I DID TO SEE WHAT AND WHO YOU WERE. So lets just say we all were 'interested' and leave it at that? Aight?  

...I still haven't said your name and again if what I say doesn't matter, giving me 'credit' by either RTing this or coming at me KINDA VALIDATES IT. Ya know? The high road. Take it. Like one of you should have when you put your shit out there to the level you did to begin with. Now if you wanna 'talk to me', okay cool. But I'm not the one who gave folks ammo. You two did. Both of you did.

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