Sunday, November 27, 2011

(Words) Dont judge me- You

(Chuckles) Where to begin with this one...

Well first off, you NIGGAS SLAY ME with the saying. Every time you use it, all I hear is this whining voice that says:

"Please don't slander mercilessly like I do others for the mundane shit they do 'cause deep down I KNOW I AM WRONG. I'm really just here for the LOLs and don't want to suffer from the mental anguish that I put others through on the daily with my immature take on their daily activities...Please spare my ULTRA SENSITIVE FEELINGS AS I CANNOT TAKE WHAT I DISH OUT. 


The Mental Midget That Is Me....

That's how I see that saying. I mean, do what you do! If you like to listen to Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" while you strut around in a Tutu on Saturday mornings while you clean the upstairs of you Mom's house 'cause you don't have your own spot AS A HETRO MALE, that's your business. 

I mean if you wanna suck 4 dicks in one night 'cause it is a 'Once in a Lifetime' opportunity that your four favorite celebs are in one place at one time COOL!! 

Just don't expect me to 'not judge' you JUST AS HARSHLY if you are around here making Lilac and Lilly jokes about 'soft ass rappers'/ go in on what 'hoes know about' trending topics but partaking in suspect activities aight Champ? (Oh, you thought ONLY your favorite 'blogger' had that 'take it too far for the LOL thing? Been around for ever cuz..Stop that shit...)

(Takes another sip of Powerade) The flip side to this though...

Now in a perfect World, we wouldn't be judging each other. Not a perfect World. I judge folks all the time admittedly. What I DON'T DO IS RUN AROUND LIKE MY JUDGEMENT IS THE 'END ALL BE ALL' like some of you sad ass mofos do. Don't have a pot to piss nor window to throw it out of but you are out here 'judging' folks? FOH. Talking about:

"I'm judging you...." 

Motherfucker so what? Judge away nigga. You aren't DOING SHIT FOR ME ANYWAY SO WHAT THE FUCK DO I CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR JUDGEMENT? I mean I can't 'eat' off of your judgement. 

You some type of lawyer or something..somebody important or something?- Jay-Z 

Hell, even if you were, SO THE FUCK WHAT. I guess I am not meant to have 'whatever it is you can provide for me then' and NINE TIMES OUTTA TEN it isn't a basic need so fuck it. You can KEEP THAT SHIT. I don't want it from you and your condescending ass. That goes for ANY OF YOU. Fuck who you are to me. If you feel THAT WAY ABOUT IT, you can keep it. Word you can. If I SUSPECT YOU FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT IT, you can keep it. I don't want it...Whatever it is. Your 'respect' or whatever it is half you niggas only have to offer out here.

Summation for my 'more educated readers'  (Hey don't laugh...I have those...) : 

The ideal that one should even have to preface one's thoughts and desires with such remedial rhetoric such as "Don't judge me.." is one that must come to a halt. These are things that may have started as foolish childhood antics but that have now seeped into the very fiber of our being as adults. This must come to a complete halt if we are to continue further as a people.. The time to play 'secondary grade school' antics must cease. It is not proper decorum to hold fast to these type of displays of immaturity. Often times, the person who has to make such statements resides in a World where their own deeply rooted insecurities and short comings have caused them to ridicule others with GREAT FREQUENCIES. So much so that they begin to feel THE WHOLE WORLD FEELS LIKE THEY DO so they feel the need to start their statements with 'buffers' such as these. They don't want to be the subject of such ridicule themselves obviously so thus this plea cop. It is a 'deflection tool' if you will. Simple Jedi Mind tricks. Little do the they realize that most of us JUST DON'T GIVE THAT MUCH OF A FUCK UNLESS we see an opportunity to dish back some of the bullshit that they do to others on a daily basis.

I feel as though one should be able to do as they please without having to render themselves to the mercy of the thoughts of others. We are all human and we all judge each other in some way but it is not right. Even if a person holds a position of power, I don't feel one should have to 'cater' to that person's whim based on a judgement nor that said person dangling proverbial carrot should even be partaking in such activities. One should do all one can to not accept such behavior as they can probably do without said 'carrot. Tell them to kiss your ass and move on about your day.... 

I do feel though that if someone who is ALWAYS TH PERSON WHO RIDICULES folks just happens to show a chink in their armor, that it is 'Game on' so to speak in some capacity. In other words, I don't feel bad for them when Karma strikes them back in that way. I won't be saying much but I won't be getting in the way of those saying things either. 

In a perfect Utopia, we would all be worry free. Free of such hangups. Alas, here we are. On Earth. I urge you not to care about such folks who are so 'wrapped up in the activities of others that they seek out the LOL moment' but rather to ignore them. 

I've seen the sorrow they were meant for... (Hat tip to The Foreign Exchange...) - in regards to their fate. 

Good day.

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