Friday, October 14, 2011

I have always liked Brandon Marshall

“I think the past four games have been tough for me, trying to control some things, and, hey man, I’m just going to let it out,” Marshall said of his emotions.
“I don’t care if I have two, three cameras on me. I don’t care if I have penalties. It doesn’t matter; I’m going to let it all out. I don’t care what you guys write or what the commentators say. I’m just going to play football. That’s what I’m best at. I’m best when I play emotional. I’m best when I play with passion. You guys are going to see that on Monday Night Football. I don’t know if it’s throwing a football 15 yards in the bleachers, or getting a 15-yarder [penalty], or punting the ball and getting thrown out of the game. But something is going to happen. I’ll probably get kicked out after the second quarter.”
(Via the Miami Herald)

This just confirmed it.  Why not shake things up, it may be exactly what this team needs.

starts at the .50 mark

-Les Anderson

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