Friday, October 28, 2011

Releasing Chris Harris is a mistake

   Let me start by saying that Chris Harris is a below average NFL safety. He would definitely not start for 25 or so teams in this league. And his play in the Detroit game was a clear indication of how bad he is playing this year. However, when your current safeties are the rookie Chris Conte, the often injured Major Wright and Brandon Meriweather, there is definitely room for Harris. For god's sake even Craig FUCKING Steltz has started for us this year. Even if you don't want to start him, Harris has value as a veteran run stuffer and he will be missed in late November and December when teams are running the ball more.

  I can't imagine this is a popular decision in the locker room either. Urlacher and Briggs can't like it. But hopefully Jerry Angelo has a plan to bring in another veteran safety to replace Harris, maybe Darren Sharper, who is a free agent. He's 35 but we really only need 9-11 games out of him. I really don't think he'd be that much of an improvement, but its worth a shot. However, with the injuries the Bears have had at the position it would be a mistake to not have looked into Sharper earlier in the season..... but with Angelo that wouldn't surprise me.

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