Sunday, December 18, 2011

(Words) Video Games & The Woman Who Are Starting To Embrace 'Em..

This picture epitomizes the sentiments of some of the younger generation. I will say I still see the 'older' generation (including some dudes) who frown upon video game playing of any sort for any given amount of time. This younger generation though? Nope. The girls have picked up the sticks and started playing too. I'm not talking about just playing a 'girlie' game (although there are PLENTY OF GAMES GEARED TOWARDS WOMEN AND THEY DO PLAY THOSE TOO.) I'm talking about females playing Gears of War or Call of Duty. Hardcore playing. Having 'all day sessions'. Getting on the headsets and talking shit. Women who are ACTIVE IN THE MILITARY and can shoot a REAL GUN too, getting out that aggression or (gasps) just enjoying the simple pleasure a game like that can provide. Playing a lil Madden as well.

Do I think it is a good thing? I do actually. I mean lets face it, we all spend our 'free time' doing 'bullshit'. Some of us like to go to the club 'a lil too much'. Some of us don't go out but get ABSOLUTELY WHITE GIRL WASTED at home (or at someone else's house and then have to DRIVE HOME afterwards...). Some of us have JUST NOW DISCOVERED THE JOYS AND THE WAYS OF THE INTERNET thanks to the Cricket phone and other cheaper alternatives that allow folks who previously were not 'on the Internet' to have a Web presence. In other words, the vast majority of us aren't out here CURING CANCER OR SOME SHIT so who am I to stand in judgement of how you spend your free time in ANY CAPACITY as long as no one is dying or getting hurt physically or mentally? Do I play? Of course I do! I am a dude though so even though some 'snide' comments are made about the 'time I spend playing..', nothing I do goes lacking. I will say it has also kept me outta trouble MANY A DAY. So I don't see anything wrong with a woman offering encouragement for her man's video gaming activities by JOINING HIM with GREAT INTEREST. Not just to spite him or 'just because'. I mean REALLY JOINING HIM and playing. Hell, even kicking his ass in said video game. I don't see the issue at all.

Who knows, maybe the competitive juices might boil over into some 'extra curricular' activities. I'm willing to bet that the folks up top cut their gaming session short for another type of 'game'. Ya know what I mean? Ladies don't knock it.. Fellas don't you go getting all possessive about your games either. It may benefit you.

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