Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Man Dies After Eating Cocaine Out Of Brother’s Ass - The Dreamin Demon

Man Dies After Eating Cocaine Out Of Brother’s Ass - The Dreamin Demon


You niggas and ya'll 'codes'....

HARLESTON, S.C. – A man’s brother died after eating the cocaine stashed in his ass and now police plan on charging him with manslaughter.
Back in November, 23-year-old Deangelo Rashard Mitchell and his brother, 20-year-old Wayne Joshua Mitchell were arrested for trafficking.
Video in the car captured Deangelo begging his younger brother to fish the cocaine out of his ass and eat it.
“One of us gotta do it, you the only one that don’t have any strikes. …You my little brother… I’m gonna get life,” Deangelo pleads.
Wayne does as he is instructed, and within the hour he was having trouble breathing and bleeding from the mouth. He died soon afterward.
Deangelo was initially charged with trafficking drugs and has since bonded out of jail. But with the video evidence and a toxicology report that definitively proves Wayne died from consuming the cocaine, police plan on charging Deangelo with involuntary manslaughter.

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