Monday, December 19, 2011

Fucking Uzbekistanians....

Dailymail - We have no idea how people in New York contended with the world’s first escalator when it was unveiled there over a hundred years ago. But now thanks to footage from a craftily placed CCTV camera in a shopping centre in Uzbekistan – and the magic of online video sharing – we can take a guess. These pictures show Uzbek shoppers as they try to get to grips with an escalator for the first time – and luckily they seem to have a much better understanding of the emergency stop button.

Honestly, I don't know what to say here, other than Uzbekistanians are the worst. Not sure why its so hard to figure out. Although foreigners are second only to women in terms of stupidity, so combining them is gonna cause this kind of trouble.

Bottom line is you have to fear and respect that escalator, people.

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