Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jewelry Insider's Top Ten Blingy Bits of 2010

It's been a year full of surprises my fellow jewelry hounds. From diamond dentures and bug jewelry to gold parties and Gaga, the "Year of the Tiger" was nothing if not 'unusual'.

So as the last days of 2010 take their final bow, it's time to do what we media folks love to do best: Look back. And make lists.

Here is a smattering of some of my favorite jewelry moments combined with some of yours - because without you guys, I'm just all alone in the universe writing about Lindsay Lohan's jail jewelry and diamond dog collars as if it actually MEANS something. 

So my heartfelt thanks to you all for joining this shiny place of jewel-filled sarcasm, schadenfreude and joy for yet another year. Here's to more days of diamond diversions!

10. The 'Ears' Have It

If 2009 was the year of the statement necklace, 2010 brought the sentiment to the ears. The trend started with the smashing success of Courteney Cox's Golden Globe teardrop triumph and continued throughout awards season. Look for swinging chandelier shapes and shoulder dusters to continue to shine well into 2011.

9. Baseball Bling

In the year's 4th most popular post, I got to the bottom of those weird rope necklaces all the baseball players were wearing last season. I was surprised as anyone to know that jocks not only get emotional about jewelry - they believe it has super powers. And I thought I had issues...

8.  Pink Diamond Shatters Price Record

So. There's this dude, Laurence Graff. And he has piles of money. What does he do with it? He gobbles up the world's most valuable diamonds like pints of Chunky Monkey. His latest acquisition was a 24.78-carat piece of pink perfection that sold for a record-breaking $46.16 million. And now back to our regularly scheduled budget deficit....

7. Neil Lane - Jeweler of the Year

My jeweler of the year award has to go to Neil Lane. He's always been a red carpet staple but his monopoly on celebrity weddings in 2010 was staggering. He designed Anna Paquin's bridal jewels, Nicole Richie's wedding band, Jessica Simpson's newsworthy ruby rock - along with the bling for the entire Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise. AND he launched a bridal line with Kay Jewelers to reach the mere mortal market. Just call him the  Kim Kardashian of the jewelry world: He somehow seems to be everywhere. And he's taking it straight to the bank.

6. Black Diamond Blitz

When Howard Stern awarded his 'Tiger Woods Miss Mistress' winner a black diamond ring for her trouble back in March, I feared one of my favorite stones would be forever branded the 'other women'. But Sex And The City II (despite being one of my biggest disappointments this year - see #5 for more) gave black diamonds a glittering close up - and the stone is now a must-have for red carpet divas and regular folks alike. I'm giving it my 'most likely to succeed' award. Stay tuned.

5. Diamond Disappointments

Not to be all Debbie Downer and all...but there were some MAJOR jewelry/fashion bummers this year.

Exhibit A: The Oscars  

When Kathy Ireland's questionable interviewing skills are the only thing worth squawking about - you know you've got a bummer year on your hands.

Exhibit B: Fashion Week: Spring 2011: 

Where. Was. The. Jewelry?

Exhibit C: Sex And The City II: 

My favorite New York women finally jumped the shark. Aiden? In Abu Dhabi? "I Am Woman" karaoke? C'mon!

Exhibit D: Angelina Jolie. 

The world's most stunning actress (a la Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn) can't seem to wear anything but black and diamond studs on the red carpet. And Jennifer Aniston and Julia Roberts are stuck in the muck with her. Help me, Housewives of Beverly Hills. You're my only hope.

4. Where's The Beef?

Lady Gaga wore a meat dress. 'Nuff said.

3. Kanye West's Diamond Dentures

In the third most popular post for 2010, we learned that replacing your teeth with real diamonds might help people forget you're an egomaniac for a week or so. 

2. Chelsea Clinton's Engagement Ring

More people read my post on Chelsea's engagement ring than any other entry in the history of the blog. Despite the fact that I (and all of my other fellow jewelry hounds) STILL haven't found a decent picture of the thing. Hat's off to you, Chels, for keeping us all well out of your business. And for making my Alexa rating skyrocket.

1. The Sapphire Heard 'Round the World.

Hey. Did you hear? Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton. Shocker! Seriously, though, you're going to have to endure many a royal wedding post in 2011 - cuz there's gonna be major crown jewels on display. I'm already hyperventilating.

But perhaps the most important repercussion from all this nonsense, is the resurgence of the Lady Di ring silhouette and sapphires as a popular stone for engagement rings. I hope the trend continues, because if there's one thing I've learned in 2010 - you don't have to break the bank to get a great piece of jewelry these days (JewelClub, anyone?). And that includes engagement rings.

OK. I think I hear the champagne calling my name. (It happens.) I hope you all have a safe and shining New Year. In the meantime, weigh in with your favorite jewelry moments from 2010! As always, I love to hear from you. (Janet - that means you!)

See you on the flip side!

Miley Cyrus shocking Christmas !!!

Miley Cyrus, actress,singer, had spent the Christmas with her family and enjoyed singing karaoke with them. She went to her family home which is situated in Nashville, Tennessee. Miley sang her new recent hit song ‘Can’t Be Tamed’ through her sister Noah’s, a ten year old girl, brand new karaoke machine.

She had a wonderful festive evening with her family. The programme was carried out in the manner of a family cultural function that was directed by Miley’s other sister Brandi, twenty-three years old. “Miley and Noah would now present you all a duet song ‘Can’t Be Tamed’! Brandi started.

Their merry moments were caught by their mother’s video camera which Brandi had declared to upload it. It is known from a source that Miley’s parents, Billy Ray Cyrus who is a singer and mother Tish, had filed for divorce in October this year.

Despite of this sad fact, the eighteen year old singer, Miley has wished all her fans over the world to be happy in the coming year. She adds that, “She will carry out her purpose for which she is here this coming year 2011 and her wish is to help other and make the people happy”.

Brooke Burke reveals her Sex Secret !!!

The host of the Dancing With the Stars, Brooke Burke, a mother of four; two from her ex-husband Garth Fisher and two from her prese
nt husband Dabid Charvet, loves to stay romantic all life. And this time, she has finally exposed her secret of how she keeps her romantic life so lively.

“The first and foremost thing is to be healthy, which includes taking exercise to stay relaxed and have more of energy. It is also the
best way to have the sex drive working”, she says it in a magazine called Shape published in this January. Brook adds on that, “Keeping our commitments for each other is also crucial, not just loving the kids. Being fit is the secret for a mother with kids.

However, to do so, the will must come up from the inside. Compared to a super model, a woman is more attractive who is fit and healthy. There is some kind of beauty and power within her. And that is the magic, the secret of a woman who feels so confident”. Brook also states that, “It is all about how you will present yourself. It gets harder to follow as a wom
an gets older day by day.

Ciara is desperate for a new Date !!!

The superstar Ciara had disclosed facts of her love life in an interview on Wendy Williams’
live TV show. She was dating rapper bow Wow for nearly three years until the year of 2006 but then later dated Ludacris, who was another rapper.

Ciara persisted that now that she is single again, she is prepared to get engaged with another guy. “She has become single again and she is getting ready for a third date. She just wants to take her time”, Ciara announces. Currently, Ciara talked about her educational background. She was student who only went till school.

However, she mentions that, “She still got time when Ciara was able to return to school
and meet her friends again. After all, she did not waste her youth life. Though she had gone to school only and not college in life, she yet wishes to go back to school and begin learning. According to her, wisdom and knowledge is power and therefore, the more one gains, the better”.

Adding more information to it, Ciara tells that, “Stopping her education when she wanted was the best decision then. It allowed her to devote more time to her career. But she would not force herself to return to school; only if something on her way catches her attention then Ciara might probably. At the prevent moment, she is busy with her career”.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jewelry Libations for New Year's Eve

Cocktails and jewelry - what a winning combination. As I was recently pondering what jewelry to break out for my favorite champagne-drenched holiday this Friday (wait for the Carrie Bradshaw moment...), I couldn't help but wonder (there it is...): Why is it that jewelry and luxury libations have such a glittering partnership?

First, there's the cocktail ring. The jewelry category emerged in the roaring 20s during Prohibition at illegal, booze-filled ‘cocktail’ parties. Women went big with fashion statements at these underground soirees, flashing their oversized, colorful baubles along with their newly exposed knee caps.

Cocktail rings generally have an oversized center stone of 3 carats or more and are typically worn on the right hand (any finger will do). But as we jewelry hounds know, there are plenty of costume options out there that won't break the bank.

But there's another drinkable jewelry look emerging from the shadows lately - champagne diamonds. From light champagnes, to burnished browns and rich cognacs, these natural diamonds offer a selection of tones and hues to compliment every style, taste and tolerance level.

An informative piece in the New York Times reports that the stone made its debut in the late 1990s when it was discovered in Rio Tinto's Argyle mine in Australia, but is only now gaining a strong following - including from yours truly and a bevy of Hollywood's leading ladies.

If you really want to tie one on, how about a double shot with a champagne diamond cocktail ring like this one for almost $400 off retail? 'Tis the season!

And be sure to check out the champagne diamond treasure chest on for more bubbly bling - it's jewelry that's perfect for teetotalers and the tipsy alike!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Celebrity Engagement Blitz

Celebrity engagement news is breaking big today! Here's the scoop:

From "Black Swan" to Baby Momma:

Not only is Natalie Portman engaged to her (gorgeous!) choreographer boyfriend, Benjamin Millepied, they're also expecting their first child. The Black Swan star met her hubby-to-be on the set last year (he choreographed all of her numbers), and the Oscar buzz is building along with her little ballet-dancing bun in the oven.

Portman has been on the red carpet all month promoting the film (and Dior's new perfume), but despite a mention of 'eating a lot' lately - this news is a total shock.

No ring sighting yet, but stay tuned.

Hef's Getting Hitched:

The other shocker today is news that everyone's favorite bachelor octogenarian popped the question to his 24-year-old playmate girlfriend, Crystal Harris.

"After the movie tonight, Crystal & I exchanged gifts. I gave Crystal a ring. A truly memorable Christmas Eve," Hefner, 84, tweeted. "When I gave Crystal the ring, she burst into tears. This is the happiest Christmas weekend in memory."

Later, he clarified, "Yes, the ring I gave Crystal is an engagement ring. I didn't mean to make a mystery out of it. A very merry Christmas to all."

What kind of ring exactly remains to be seen, but my guess is Hef will make sure his bunny's got enough 'carats' to keep her satisfied.

But celebs aren't the only folks with romance on their minds. With New Year's Eve around the corner, many questions have yet to be popped. So fellas? If you need a little nudge in the right direction - check out the amazing post-Christmas engagement ring deals on sample sale sites like JewelClub.

And check out my 'Affordable Engagement Ring' guide here for more sparkling solutions.

In the meantime, congrats to the happy couples!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jack Black hatred travelling story !!!

Jack black is totally uninterested to travel all over the world. The ac
tor recently acted in a new movie called “Gulliver Travels”. “I like to travel not only for enjoying”, says Jack Black.

“ I always travel with a specific purpose not for any kind of pleasure, when I feel that I am traveling for that, then it appears in
my mind that I am wasting my precious time “says Black.

He admit that many people like traveling all over the world for enjoying many spectacular things, but I am not that kind of person, I am serious about my life rather than
wasting my time just for pleasure”

.Recently,Jack revealed that he really loves attending the red carpet events. “I like to be on the red carpet, maybe I am in the group of only few who really like to attend here” said Jack black.

Friday, December 24, 2010

I'm Dreaming of a Black Christmas

Since it's Christmas Eve, I thought I'd take a moment to send out one more subtle 'hint' to Santa, since I've been nothing but nice this year.


See? Coal is cool this year, Mr. Kringle.

Merchandisers and marketers used to have to work hard to make black diamond jewelry appealing to folks outside of tattoo parlors and vampire support groups. But this year? The stone finally crossed over, and it's never going back.

Celebrity designer, Stephen Webster, now litters his lines with the look. It was the best part of Sex And The City II. And many celebs - from Katy Perry to Christina Aguilera - are sporting them on the red carpet.

And the best part? Black diamonds are surprisingly affordable compared to white ice.

Here are a few of my favorite black diamond looks right now - all of them ready for their Christmas close up. Or how about a great New Year's surprise?

So here's hoping we all find big things in little boxes under the tree this year. And fellas? The New York Times reports that jewelry is the 'go to' purchase for all you last-minute shopper types (aka: all men). 

Merry Christmas, Jewelry Hounds!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Farrah Fawcett got a Big Heart !!!

The late actress, Farrah Fawcett, had donated over $3.3 million to her Farrah Fawcett Foundation cancer charity while she was suffering from anal cancer. She gave two different contributions in amounts of $3,269,169 and $50,000 as per the Internal Revenue Servic
e information.

She was sixty-two years old when Farrah died in June last year. Along with her, the first person to donate to the charity was Harrison Ford, an actor, an amount of $5000 according to
the Radar Online. On the other hand, records demonstrates that the Foundation also had donated at least $85,000 to two other charities, The Angeles Clinic Foundation and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital by name.other documents showed the foundation worth around $5 million.

Farrah’s wills
, which she made before her death, included the name of her troubled son Redmond O’Neal of twenty-four years old while her husband Ryan O’Neal totally remained unmentioned in the will papers. She left a wealth of $10 million for her son. Her work for the Foundation was still continued after her death from June last year by her close ones who were Ryan himself and his daughter Tatum O’Neal, Redmond and Ryan’s closest friend Alana Stewart.

“Farrah will be very happy to see them all working on her unfinished project. She was like an angel
watching over her. Farrah was able to give people a lot comfort and inspirations”, Alana says.